The high summer temperatures in recent years have led us to seek alternative forms of leisure. Instead of the heat in Tunisia or Egypt reaching up to 40 degrees, we are more and more willing to choose cooler regions where we can enjoy the peace and beauty of nature. Today, we will talk about a new trend in summer tourism, the coolcation.

From this blog post you will learn:

🌿 What is coolcation and where did this trend come from.

🌿 Where to take a break from the heat and crowds during your summer holiday.

🌿 How lower temperatures affect our health.

🌿 How to book a stay in Nature.

The beginnings of coolcation - cool and cool holidays

We traditionally associate summer holidays with trips in search of sunshine and high temperatures. Holidays in the south of Italy, Spain or Tunisia meant that we returned evenly tanned and recharged with vitamin D. However, record high temperatures in recent years are causing more and more people to start travelling in the opposite direction. 'Coolcation' is becoming increasingly popular, i.e. holidays in places with a milder climate that are also less crowded.

Coolcation is a combination of two words cool (cool, but also cool) and vacation (English: holiday). The movement was born almost a decade ago in Western European countrieswhere residents increasingly complained about the heat and sought alternative forms of leisure. The pioneers of coolcationing included Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and France. The trend quickly spread to other continents, gaining popularity in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The phenomenon is also gaining popularity in Poland due to rising temperatures caused by climate change.

Coolcation in Poland? Naturally 🌿

The north-eastern part of Poland, and Suwałki in particular, is considered to be the coldest region of our country. However, this area is not only ideal for escaping the summer heat. You can also try sailing, forest walks or mushroom picking. A holiday in Nature is a great way to survive the urban heat and an ideal option for those working remotely or hybrid.

More and more Poles are choosing to travel to destinations in the shade of mountains, the coolness of lakes and dense forests. Many tourists are forgoing booking holidays in popular but hot destinations such as southern France or Sicily in July and August in favour of country cottages in the treetops or wonderfully equipped glamping sites. - says Agnieszka Lekszycka, Strategic Project Lead at AlohaCamp and adds. - A record-breaker booked a holiday with us 642 days in advance! This shows how much interest there is in natural and domestic accommodation. More and more people are opting for spontaneous trips, but also booking cottages in advance to make sure they find the holiday date of their dreams in a warm yet shady spot in Poland.

More and more Poles are choosing to travel to destinations in the shade of mountains, the coolness of lakes and dense forests. Many tourists are forgoing booking holidays in popular but hot destinations such as southern France or Sicily in July and August in favour of country cottages in the treetops or wonderfully equipped glamping sites.

Agnieszka Lekszycka, Strategic Project Lead at AlohaCamp
Coraz więcej Polek i Polaków decyduje się na coolcation w cieniu gór, chłodzie jezior i gęstych lasach.
More and more Polish women and men are choosing to travel to places in the shade of mountains, the coolness of lakes and dense forests.

And what do doctors have to say about it? 🩺

We have already written about the beneficial effects of Nature on our health herebut it is worth recalling a few facts. Well, by spending min. 2 hours a week in nature, we can significantly improve your well-being and healthno matter how old we are1. In addition, more than one study shows that being in Nature can help us enhance creative problem-solving skills i improve our concentration2. But you don't have to immediately drop everything and head for the woods (although you can), because it turns out that a 20-minute walk in the park three times a week can significantly reduce our stress levels.

In addition, holidays in colder climates can be a good alternative for people with cardiac problemsbecause it is easier for our body to regulate body temperature, and this significantly reduces the strain on the heart. We are hearing more and more about cases of fainting or dehydration in Greece, Italy or Turkey. The high temperature and humidity can lead to more rapid dehydration and overheating. In addition, the physical exertion of sightseeing, hiking and other outdoor activities in such conditions can be more taxing on the cardiovascular system3.

Coolcation to nie tylko chłodniejsze kierunki, ale również mniej ludzi i więcej natury.
By spending min. 2 hours a week in nature, we can improve our health, no matter how old we are.

Popular destinations for coolcation 🗺️

Tired of high temperatures, Europeans mainly choose to go on colder trips Scandinaviabut also Baltic countries - including Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. While last year the average temperature in Catania, Sicily, in August was 32°C4, in Oslo the average was more than 10 degrees lower at 21°C5.

Sweden, on the other hand, has been experiencing an increase in visitor numbers for the past four years, with more than 6 million visitors last year and estimates of up to 6.5 million this year.6. The large number of islands, the extensive camping infrastructure and, above all, the wild natural areas make the Sweden, Norway i Finland leading European destinations for coolcation.

Zmęczeni wysokimi temperaturami europejczycy na coolcation wybierają głównie Norwegię, Szwecję, Finlandię i Islandię.

In America, on the other hand, trips to the Alaska and Antarctica. The number of tourists visiting Alaska has increased by more than 16%7 in just two years - from 2019 to 2022, not including 2020 when travel was virtually impossible.

Tourism on Antarctica has also seen significant growth over the past decade. More than 100,000 tourists visited this ice continent during the 2022-2023 season8, the majority of which arrived by cruise ship. This represents a significant increase compared to previous years. This increase is due to increased interest in unique and remote destinations. However, it is worth adding that it has also raised concerns about the environmental impact and protection of Antarctic ecosystems.

Coolcation in Poland?

The north-eastern part of Poland, and Suwałki in particular, is considered to be the coldest region of our country. However, this area is not only ideal for escaping the summer heat. You can also try sailing, forest walks or mushroom picking.

Discover unique accommodation in the Suwalki region

  1. ↩︎
  2. ↩︎
  3. Katarzyna Czarnecka, MD, cardiologist American Heart of Poland, for Medonet:,turysci-uciekaja-z-upalow-na-topie-jest-coolcation-lekarze-sa-na-tak,artykul,84204078.html ↩︎
  4. ↩︎
  5.;-Norway-Year-Round ↩︎
  6. ↩︎
  7. ↩︎