Mini guide to getting started with digital detox

Look at your phone held in your hand or lying next to you on your desk. When was the last time you lost or misplaced sight of it? There has been a lot of talk recently about the harmful effects of spending too much time in front of a screen, but we feel that it is still not enough. Screens whether phone or computer accompany us every day, practically from morning to night. And not to be outdone, we also, like (almost) everyone, use computers for work, phones for sending memes and we happen to exceed our daily scrolling limit. At AlohaCamp, we believe that Nature is best experienced (literally) on our own skin - walking barefoot, lying on the grass or bathing in a lake, so we have prepared a guide on how to start a digital detox and how to get the most out of a trip into Nature.

What is digital hygiene?

The intensive development of new technologies and their involvement in our lives has led, among other things, to a blurring of the boundary between work and private life and to an increase in the time spent in front of a screen. This brings with it a number of negative consequences, including:

  • exhaustion, lack of sleep,
  • deterioration of health - both mental (lowered mood, anxiety, depression) and physical (deterioration of eyesight),
  • concentration problems, reduced work efficiency,
  • FOMO. fear of missing out) - that is, the fear of falling out of the loop; the fear that we will miss something important when we are not online,
  • withdrawal from interpersonal contacts, deterioration of relationships with relatives,
  • increased risk of professional burnout.

To reduce the negative impact of too long and frequent exposure to technological stimuli, it is good to use digital hygiene.

When looking for answers on what digital hygiene is, we found many scientific and complex definitions, but they can all be boiled down to the general assumption that it is a responsible approach to the use of technology of all kinds.

It is difficult to give specific examples here, as everyone this responsibility understands differently, whereas all the measures we take in digital hygiene aim to optimise our somatic, mental and social health.

10 zasad higieny cyfrowej

How to start a digital detox

Preparing for a digital detox is a good place to start... talking. We know from our own experience that it's easier to reach for the phone less often when our friends and loved ones know not to expect a reply from us a few seconds after sending a message. In addition, there is such a phenomenon in psychology as social responsibility effect, which is that we are more likely to honour commitments or goals when we have shared them with others.

A further step might be to set a daily limit for phone use and stick to it. On most phones, there is an option to check the time spent in front of the screen and an option to set a limit for specific apps that take up the most time. For those who are more lazy, we refer you to screen time configurations on Apple devices and to Digital Balance management on Android devices.

We, on the other hand, have noticed that it is easier for us to take care of our digital hygiene when we are in Nature and spend more time outdoors. Therefore, another step that can help us maintain our technological balance is an outing to the forest, the lake or the mountains. When using your computer a lot, it is a good idea to take care of your eyesight and remember the '20-20-20' rule - every 20 minutes, look at something that is 20 feet (about 6 m) away from you for 20 seconds. We, on the other hand, prefer a slight modification of this rule... After 20 minutes of work, look at something 20 feet away, then spend 20 years in the woods.

Cyfrowy detoks. Po 20 minutach pracy spójrz na coś oddalonego o 20 stóp, po czym spędź 20 lat w lesie.

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Although it may be hard to believe, there are still places in Poland with poor internet and one dash of coverage. Often hidden in a forest or by a lake, they await the brave who are not afraid of silence and the lack of Netflix. In such places, it is easier to forget about the phone and look out for a woodpecker while walking in the forest or sit on the terrace and read a long-postponed book. At AlohaCamp, we believe that such places are of great value and if someone ever comes up with a Programme for the Protection of Places without Reach, we will sign up to it with our hands and feet.

Izerski Zakątek AlohaCamo

Izerski Zakątek nad Pond

The internet doesn't work here, but you can - on bicycles, cross-country skiing or just walking. In addition, the hosts report that beavers settled in the ponds last summer, thus joining the otter family. Don't take your laptops, mute your phones and you are guaranteed to be in better contact with each other than ever before.

Zielony domek nad Marychą AlohaCamp

Green house on the Marycha River

For all those who have decided to spend less time in front of the screen and for those who want to truly switch off. The coverage here is poor, so the laptop is better left at home and all the projects for yesterday are parked for later. 

Attractions without technology

But what to do when no photos on Instagram are loading, the TV is missing and you can't turn on an episode of your favourite show? We have a few suggestions. Each place is different and offers different surroundings and opportunities to spend time. In the mountains and by the water, things are rather simple - mountain hiking is recommended for everyone, and swimming in the sea or lake is always a good idea. Elsewhere, walks, bike rides, horse riding lessons, canoeing or pedal cycling, Nordic walking or mushroom picking are recommended. That's of such obvious things, because below you will find a slightly tweaked list of non-technological attractions.

Treasure hunt

This is one of the simplest, yet most engaging activities to indulge in during a trip into Nature. The treasure can be anything you can think of - the biggest anthill in the forest, a bird's nest, animal tracks on the road or birds flying by. This is a great activity for observation and perceptiveness.

Arts and crafts

Pack sketchbooks, crayons, paints and basic craft supplies. Whether you're sketching a house on a hill or painting a sunset, interacting with Nature through art is a great way to reflect. It is an activity that both children and adults can find therapeutic.

Nature diary

A daily nature diary can be a memorable souvenir of your trip. You are encouraged to record your observations, weather, personal feelings and experiences. Over time, this journal can become a valuable reminder of a technology-free retreat.

Evenings without a screen

The magic of Nature truly reveals itself with the sunset. Spending screen-free evenings with your loved ones during your stay at AlohaCamp can lead to unforgettable moments. We personally recommend the most:

Star gazing: Without the distraction of digital devices and urban light pollution, the night sky reveals a breathtaking tapestry of stars. Whether you use a telescope, an app or simply your eyes, the activity can be both educational and inspiring. 

Storytelling: Stories around the campfire have long been a tradition, creating a cosy atmosphere for families. Sharing stories not only promotes bonding, but also keeps age-old traditions alive in a modern setting.

Cyfrowy detoks - ognisko pod gwiazdami

Analogue memories

Analogue cameras

Let's go back for a moment to a time without digital cameras and phones. The limited number of shots means that every click counts, and this makes us more aware and attentive.

Jar of memories

A simple and proven way to reflect is to set up a jar of memories. At the end of the day, each person can write down their special memory on a piece of paper and drop it into the jar. At the end of the trip you can open it and read together who remembered what best.

For those who have not yet had enough

Board games and puzzles
In many of the venues at AlohaCamp you will find a lot of board games for two or more people.

Cooking together
A large proportion of our facilities have a fully equipped kitchen where you can prepare a meal together.

Paper books, not e-books
Some people will probably call us backward, but we much prefer paper books to e-readers. However, nothing can replace the touch of a page under your fingers.

Yoga and meditation when you can hear birdsong or the sound of a stream all around you is fantastic.

Szałasówka AlohaCamp


In today's world, finding time to detox digitally and reconnect with Nature can be key to maintaining balance. AlohaCamp offers an unforgettable adventure in Nature, providing a chance to regenerate both body and mind. Giving up the daily rush and immersing yourself in nature around you can be an experience that brings peace and a new perspective. We invite you to discover places at AlohaCamp where the beauty of Nature opens the way to true rest and recovery. Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience a life-changing adventure - discover the magic of Nature with us.