Did you know that 46% of the places available at AlohaCamp are led by women? Today, on Women's Day, we want to introduce you to some of them! We asked them why they think it's worth going to Nature.

More than 85% of solo travellers are women1. They want to discover the world in their own way, gain new experiences and are not afraid of solo expeditions. What's more, they rank first when it comes to trips in Nature, not only during the holiday season. As it turns out, women are also the ones who browse the offers more often than men and are quicker to make decisions about where to stay or buy a trip - 59% of bookings are made by them.

We spoke to four of the owners of the venues available on AlohaCamp and asked them why they made the decision to create their venues and why they think it is worthwhile to go into Nature. We invite you to join us.

Joan and Mr Brda

Why did you make the decision to open your facility?

For a long time I have dreamt of a place like this, where every guest can calm down, relax and catch some fresh air in their lungs! In addition, it is also a place for me and my loved ones, so it was made with a lot of heart.

Why in such a place?

The place is non-tourist, although it is located next to the largest lake in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. The lake is quiet, hence there are far fewer tourists, surrounded by Natura 2000. I wanted it to be close to Warsaw, close to a body of water, surrounded by trees and away from the big city. I succeeded!

Why do you think it is worthwhile to rest in Nature?

It's worth resting in Nature because it's the best regeneration for our mind. We can finally listen to our thoughts, slow down, relax all our tense muscles and rest. Every time I come to Lord Brda I sleep a lot. It is a sign of how my body reacts to the peace and quiet. Living in the capital, I very much appreciate escapes to a green, peaceful place that has not yet been so 'embraced' by the tourist business. You can feel the idyll.

"It has always been a dream of mine to create a place with very good energy where I can escape to whenever I need to. And dreams are, after all, made to come true! This place is for me, my friends and for you."

Sleep in the forest

Joanna and TREEstan

Why did you make the decision to open your facility? 

I'm probably going to sound quite cliché - I just wanted to create an original place. Ha, ha, ha. Yes, I wanted to create a place that, firstly, would not be a template and, secondly, would coexist with the surrounding nature and, at the same time, be a base for observing that nature. It was to be a place to which I myself and my family would want to escape from the city and to which I would invite others for such escapes. This was the plan and I think I have succeeded in realising it.

Why in such a place? 

The choice of location itself was influenced by the fate of Krzysztof's family, my husband. Krzysztof's grandparents once owned extensive land on the Baltic Sea. They lost it. Out of sentiment, my husband wanted to buy back at least a piece of this land and so we became the owners of our piece of the world... and this is where DRZEWOstan came into being.

Why do you think it is worthwhile to rest in Nature?

Why relax in Nature? Because in Nature it's easy to unscrew your head and let all your worries out!

Jump to the sea and spend the night in a tree

"It was going to be a place to which I myself and my family would want to escape from the city and to which I would invite others for such escapes. That was the plan and I think I've been able to realise it."

Kasia & Kasia and Kaluna Glamp

Why did you take the decision to open your facility?

Camping awakens in our hearts the memory of a carefree childhood, because the tenting We have in our genes. We remember bomb jumping from the pier, sleeping in a hammock and bike trips. Excursions for blueberries and woodland trick-or-treating. We remember sitting by the campfire, enchanted, listening to the sounds of the guitar and looking at the starry sky. These were happy moments, where time stopped and all that mattered was the here and now. We felt that we wanted to create Kaluna Glamp for other people who may never have had the opportunity to try sleeping in a tent in the forest. Or they just remember trips from their youth, but somewhere along the way, in the urban rush of adulthood, they have lost that childhood joy and feel nostalgic.

The world is moving on and we are used to comfort, so we have combined a camping atmosphere with ample facilities so that you can slow down and enjoy the atmosphere of the forest without any sacrifices or worries. Comfortable bed, sofa, kitchen - there are no compromises here. We have designed the tents as if we ourselves wanted to find the place where we go to relax and soothe our nerves.

Why in such a place?

Swaderki is a truly remarkable place, with an area of 16 hectares, in the buffer zone of an old pine forest. It was love at first sight. A huge area overgrown with pine forest, stretching 2 kilometres along the shoreline of Lake Maróz, which is covered by a quiet zone. While modern hotels and flats are being built all around in the Mazurian Lake District, here you have the impression that time has come to a standstill. You can feel it as soon as you cross the gate, along with the smell of the forest. People have been coming here for years with tents and caravans, some for the whole season, and many guests have known each other for a long time. The owner of the field is the kind of man of the forest who builds and fixes everything - one of our angels. He takes care of this forest and the land. To him, this place is as important as the people. This has captivated us. We have complete trust in each other and share a commitment to nature.

Why do you think it is worthwhile to holiday in Nature?

In nature, we no longer feel the pressure of everyday life. Work, meetings, friends, deadlines, the ubiquitous rush of information, noise... We were drawn from the forest to the city, so that now we begin to find solace there again. This is good - the forest is radiant with silence. Here we can hear ourselves again. Turn off the phone (because the range is poor anyway). Go for a walk. Sit on the terrace and look at the greenery. Swim in the lake, read a book. Sit by the fire. Take a deep breath of the clean Masurian air. We can slow down and recharge our batteries. We can return for a while to our childhood piece. To the joy of being here and now.

"Camping awakens in our hearts the memory of a carefree childhood, because the tenting we have in our genes. We felt that we wanted to create such a place for other people who may never have had the opportunity to try sleeping in a tent in the forest."

Camping level up

Magdalena and Horned Cottages

"What worries you, what grieves you, from the countryside you are, to the countryside you shall return". In my case, this proverb has come true. I was born in the countryside and spent my childhood there. Then came Wrocław, followed by London for many years, Krakow and finally the countryside again. Not my home village, but a completely different one, coincidentally, the village of Zasań in Małopolska. I have only been living here for a short time, I am only just learning the area myself, but I already know that it is wonderful here.

Why did you make the decision to open your facility? 

Although I loved my previous job, after having children I couldn't imagine going back to it; 8 hours at work plus 2 hours commuting, plus childcare and looking after the house, were beyond my organisational abilities. Hence the idea for Horned Cottages for hire, it gives me a lot of freedom and free time, and at the same time the satisfaction of doing something 'cool'.

Why in such a place? 

We looked for a nice piece of land all over southern Poland. We looked at many places, but here we liked the most. It's just a few steps to the forest, there are beautiful views and lots of interesting places in the area. It's also relatively close to Krakow, which at first seemed like a big plus for me, but over time I found that I had no need to be in the big city and now visit Krakow maybe twice a year.

Why do you think it is worthwhile to rest in Nature?

It's worth resting in Nature, because even on a day like today, when it's foggy, cloudy and raining a little, it's beautiful. I know it and the cats know it, it is quiet, peaceful, the birds are singing, the clouds are creating beautiful landscapes, sheep are bleating somewhere in the distance. It is peaceful, and in such conditions the head rests, the eyes rest and even the soul rests.

Take a bath overlooking the forest

"What worries you, what grieves you, from the countryside you are, to the countryside you shall return". In my case, this proverb has come true. I was born in a house in the country and spent my childhood there. Then it was Wroclaw, then London for many years, Krakow and finally the countryside again."

  1. https://solotravelerworld.com/about/solo-travel-statistics-data/