With us you will never find a child bored. They say that between bird's nest making workshops, pottery classes, walks on the neighbors' horses and competing on the tyrolean, one day someone spotted a boy pondering what else to do. But just a moment later, he was joined by a bunch of children who were hard to recognize - whether they were ours, guests or perhaps neighbors - and in no time at all, they were off in wellingtons toward the mountain stream, only to get on their bicycles and speed down the village road soon after. And when night comes, instead of sleeping in a bed, the children rest under the open sky, because at our place sleeping in the garden is a perfectly normal form of sleeping, and princesses sleeping on the trampoline don't bother anyone. With us, anything is possible. Come to our guesthouse, where family comes first. Come if you love children - your own and others'. Come if you are short of ideas for games. We promise we have plenty of them. In the tranquility of our garden, among the old trees surrounding the more than 100-year-old house, everyone will find their place: energetic kids who can't sit still, and parents who yearn for a moment of respite in a deck chair. It's here that friendships are made that last for years, and then we find out that one guest brings another a ceramic mug that was created during the workshop.