The Lou-cow might as well be called the Lou-cow, for its charming wooden cottage, hidden among colorful cosmos, wildflowers and honey-colored plants, is truly charming and graceful. It easily accommodates two people, but can also fit four, thanks to a bedroom on the first floor and another on the mezzanine. The cottage was built from reclaimed, smoothed boards, and the roof is covered with old-fashioned slates that I obtained from my own dismantled barn. It rises in the midst of meadows and pastures, on the site of a former border guard post. Taszów, a village on the Polish-Czech border, has a history dating back to the 15th century and reminds me of picturesque Switzerland, which association with cows seems quite natural. It's an ideal place for explorers who want to learn about the history of these lands, for activity lovers who will enjoy the brand-new paved bicycle road towards the Czech Republic, for mountain hiking enthusiasts who will take the trails of the Orlické Mountains, and for those who just want to relax, because really, though without embellishment, one must admit that relaxing here is pure pleasure!