The Isle of Horses is a picturesquely located oasis of silence, beautiful nature and tranquility It is a place of rest after a busy day of work or study, blended into the picturesque landscapes of the Owl Mountains. The Island of Horses is an ideal place for all lovers of rest, sports activities, creative activities, all kinds of training and horse enthusiasts. It is a place of excursions for individuals as well as whole families. An arcadia of all-encompassing peace and quiet. The Horse Island is a perfect place to organize conferences, workshops where after a busy day you can relax, such as horseback riding or a walk admiring the beauty of the nearby Owl Mountains, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Our Mission The mission is first and foremost to spread culture and an active attitude to life, creativity - a creative approach to life and physical, sporting activity. The mission is to create conditions - peace and quiet to conduct a conference, training trip. We carry out annually horse camps for children and adolescents, dance workshops for ballet lovers of all ages, theatrical workshops and activities, photography workshops, modern dance workshops, integration trips for companies, competence training for the local community. On the horse island there is a field unit of the Art Culture and Education Foundation "Open Doors" therefore we promote and promote a creative approach to life. This is a place for lovers of Horses.